With three weeks remaining in the season, I thought it would be fun to go through and look at each matchup to see how I think this crazy year finishes and who gets in to the playoffs and who is left at home. Of course, as you know my prediction record hovers around 50% so if I picked you as one of the teams that jumps up and takes one of those final playoffs spots, I am sorry!
So let’s start by talking about what we know. Here we go:
Clinched a Playoff spot:
- U Don’t Know
Officially Eliminated from Playoff Contention:
- teamAlaska
- Sportsfreak
The rest of the field:
We currently have positions #4 – #12 are all within two games of each other. I realize with only three games remaining that is a lot for the #12 team to get all the way to #4 however not entirely out of the question. If we drop down one tier and talk about that last spot, the # 6 seed. There is currently 7 teams either with the same record or one game back from that #6 seed. 7! That’s what you would call a wide open race!
I figured with three weeks left I would spoil the suspense and let you know who the 6 playoff teams will be and what seeds each of them will have. So here is how I see the rest of the season playing out.
- U Don’t Know (Currently #1 Seed, 9-1 Record)
- Remaining Games: 16hrs Ahead of You!!, PackMan12, Bossman
- Last Three Games Projection: 2-1
- Projected End of Season Record: 11-2
- PackMan12 (Currently #2 Seed, 8-2 Record)
- Remaining Games: pack slayer, U Don’t Know, 16hrs Ahead of You!!
- Last Three Games Projection: 2-1
- Projected End of Season Record: 10-3
- HHH (Currently #3 Seed, 7-3 Record)
- Remaining Games: DaUnderdog, Sportsfreak, Rapids Plungers,
- Last Three Games Projection: 2-1
- Projected End of Season Record: 9-4
- BIGBOY! (Currently #4 Seed, 6-4 Record)
- Remaining Games: Rapids Plungers, 16hrs Ahead of You!!, PackerFANatic7
- Last Three Games Projection: 3-0
- Projected End of Season Record: 9-4
- Rapids Plungers (Currently #5 Seed, 6-4 Record)
- Remaining Games: BIGBOY!, PackerFANatic7, HHH
- Last Three Games Projection: 2-1
- Projected End of Season Record: 8-5
- pack slayer (Currently #6 Seed, 5-5 Record)
- Remaining Games: PackMan12, Bossman, teamAlaska
- Last Three Games Projection: 2-1
- Projected End of Season Record: 7-6
- Pack Attack (Currently #7 Seed, 5-5 Record)
- Remaining Games: teamAlaska, DaUnderdog, Sportsfreak
- Last Three Games Projection: 2-1
- Projected End of Season Record: 7-6
- Bossman (Currently #8 Seed, 5-5 Record)
- Remaining Games: Big Papa, pack slayer, U Don’t Know
- Last Three Games Projection: 1-2
- Projected End of Season Record: 6-7
- PackerFANatic7 (Currently #9 Seed, 4-6 Record)
- Remaining Games: Sportsfreak, Rapids Plungers, BIGBOY!
- Last Three Games Projection: 1-2
- Projected End of Season Record: 5-8
- Big Papa (Currently #10 Seed, 4-6 Record)
- Remaining Games: Bossman, teamAlaska, DaUnderdog
- Last Three Games Projection: 1-2
- Projected End of Season Record: 5-8
- 16hrs Ahead of You!! (Currently #11 Seed, 4-6 Record)
- Remaining Games: U Don’t Know, BIGBOY!!, PackMan12
- Last Three Games Projection: 1-2
- Projected End of Season Record: 5-8
- DaUnderdog (Currently #12 Seed, 4-6 Record)
- Remaining Games: HHH, Pack Attack, Big Papa
- Last Three Games Projection; 2-1
- Projected End of Season Record: 6-7
- Sportsfreak (Currently #13 Seed, 2-8 Record)
- Remaining Games: PackerFANatic7, HHH, Pack Attack
- Last Three Games Projection: 1-2
- Projected End of Season Record: 3-10
- teamAlaska (Currently #14 Seed, 1-9 Record)
- Remaining Games: Pack Attack, Big Papa, pack slayer
- Last Three Games Projection: 0-3
- Projected End of Season Record: 1-12
So based on the projections above here is your 6 playoff teams.
#1 Seed – U Don’t Know (11-2)
#2 Seed – PackMan12 (10-3)
#3 Seed – BIGBOY! (9-4)
#4 Seed – HHH (9-4) **BIGBOY! wins a tiebreaker based on more points scored.**
#5 Seed – Rapids Plungers (8-5)
#6 Seed – pack slayer (7-6)
And those that came oh so close:
#7 Seed – Pack Attack – Here is how I am predicting this to end. Pack Attack wins the next two games while pack slayer goes 1-1 over those two games. This means it comes down to the final week. Pack Attack needs to beat Sportsfreak to ensure win #8 and a playoff berth but Sportsfreak had other ideas and they beat Pack Attack in the final week of the season. pack slayer also wins which leaves them both with 7 wins on the season. pack slayer gets the final playoff spot thanks to 20 more points scored on the season!
Good luck these last three weeks!